Friday, August 19, 2011

Apple Targets Big Business Via New App Store Plan - 8/19/2011
Bob Evans

Apple is targeting corporate volume-purchasing deals with a new App Store campaign that fleshes out the company's promises to intensify its efforts to leverage the iPad's phenomenal early success within large enterprises.

With iPads now in trials or full-fledged rollouts within about 90% of the Fortune 500, Apple is looking to meet--as well as stimulate--corporate demand for business applications that unlock the full potential of the world's dominant tablet.

The company has just completed a soft launch of the Volume Purchase Program, and describes it this way on the Apple website:

"Unleash the power of the App Store to your entire workforce. Whether you're providing apps to ten employees or ten thousand, the Volume Purchase Program makes it simple to find, buy, and distribute the apps your business needs. The Volume Purchase Program also provides a way to purchase custom B2B apps built by third-party developers to meet the unique needs of your business."

This aggressive new move from Apple is a further indication that mobility has rapidly evolved from being an aspirational project within large businesses to an absolute strategic imperative.

During Apple's spectacular growth run over the past several years, the company has assiduously avoided the corporate market, saying that its true focus had to remain on consumers and that enterprises presented a variety of special needs and challenges that at the time were outside Apple's scope.

But the iPad's astonishingly rapid--and extensive--adoption within most of the world's largest companies has convinced Apple that it has much to gain by committing itself more vigorously to the booming market for fully mobilizing the corporate workforce with everything from devices to third-party applications to mobile-device management.

In these initial days of the App Store's new role as a gateway to enterprise applications for the iPad and the iPhone, Apple is focusing on three attributes of the Volume Purchase Program:

First, customers can buy apps in significant volumes; second, customers can get custom-built B2B apps from Apple's third-party developers and partners; and third, customers can use the App Store as a distribution mechanism for propagating apps to designated users around the organization and around the world.

Let's take a closer look at each of those elements:

1) Buying in volume. All of the paid apps in the App Store are available through the new program "at the same price listed in the App Store," according to apple's site. "Simply search for the apps you need, enter the quantity you want to buy, and complete the transaction with your corporate credit card."

2) Custom B2B apps. Created by third-party developers and Apple partners, these custom apps can "address a specific business process, integrate with a unique back-office environment, or deliver a custom interface for your users," Apple says. The App Store's new volume-purchase campaign lets customers "securely and privately purchase custom B2B apps for iPhone and iPad," the site says.

An Apple spokesman expanded on that, saying that custom apps will be visible only to those users designated by the customer that has specified and purchased the apps.

3) App Store as application distributor. "When you buy apps in volume or custom B2B apps, you will receive redemption codes for each app," says Apple. "You can control who gets the apps by providing these codes to users via email or an internal website. You can also use third-party Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions to manage redemption codes centrally."

Apple also says its App Store Volume Purchase Program supports a range of security and management solutions that are essential for enterprise deployments:

For the vast number of enterprises that must now manage thousands of Apple mobile devices, Apple says its "iOS 4 Mobile Device Management capabilities give IT departments the ability to securely enroll devices in an enterprise environment, wirelessly configure and update settings, monitor compliance with corporate policies, and even remotely wipe or lock managed devices."

That section goes on to list about 20 such third-party solutions, among them Sybase Afaria. In addition, the Volume Purchase Program site also offers a detailed outline (30 slides) called the In-House App Development Accelerator Guide designed to help customers create their own apps.

All of these new enterprise-centric initiatives from Apple follow closely the comments made in mid-July by Apple COO Tim Cook during the company's quarterly earnings call when he said the company is unmistakably ramping up its efforts to penetrate corporate accounts more deeply with the iPad: "I would characterize this as we're still building [our enterprise business] out, and we do a bit better each quarter. We're very, very happy with the numbers that Peter talked about earlier about the level of interest and taking people to the pilot and initial deployment stages, and now our attention is moving to penetration within those accounts versus sort of getting on the standards lists."

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