Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quick Tips for Parents

Here are a few child Internet safety tips from the techs at Geeks On Call:

- Install a keystroke recorder/generator. Most keystroke generators can screen for certain words as your children browse on the Web and send email alerts when inappropriate language is used by the site or by people in chat rooms and instant messaging (IM).

- Customize your content filter. Your Web browser can be customized to block many kinds of content and keep you and your family safe on the Internet. Filtered content includes nudity, violence, gambling, and drug and alcohol abuse.

- Invest in/download child-safe Web browsers. These browsers go beyond your own browser’s filtering capabilities to only allow a list of safe sites pre-evaluated for content. The lists are long, so your child will not suffer from limitations imposed by the browser.

- Play on safe game sites through nonprofit organizations. YMCA, Center for Mission and Exploited Children, and Children’s Education Network are among a number of nonprofits that provide safe sites for children to explore on the Web. Many of them also teach through play to make learning fun.

More to come later. In the meantime, you may want to download our free Parents' Guide to Internet Safety pdf at

Geeks On Call is a leading provider of computer repair and computer service for home and business.

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